Imagine your life without a reliable partner who hides all the dirt from your house and presents you with a shiny neat home. Miserable right? You could not handle the scattered mess of your locality effectively if you have not been accompanied by the most neglected but highly valuable wheelie bin. However, wheelie bins are a crucial part of your cleanliness mechanism, alas! Mostly, the poor souls themselves get stained with organic and inorganic waste, reflecting a pungent, foul smell even from an actual distance. The dirty bins undoubtedly ruin the beauty of your lovely house, and yes, they act as the precursors to fail all of your cleaning strategies. In this blog, we are presenting everything that you are required to learn about the maintenance of your bins and the perfect method to clean your bin efficiently.
Imagine the risk of polluted bins by keeping this research in mind that an ordinary toilet seat carries 500 to 1000 bacteria. Still, a bin in your kitchen or outdoor produces 300million bacteria on average weekly. Thus, pose a high threat of contagion getting spread and making you feel dull and diseased.
What Cause your Bins to Smell Foul?
Since bins are the storehouse of all the produced waste material in your house, they carry a range of organic and inorganic materials. Upon rotting, emit out a pungent smell that spreads all across your house. While you remain busy with other chores, the discarded food, dust, papers, plastics, and other organic waste remain there. The microbial activity initiates the rotting process, which decomposes the filth and hence emits the notorious odor.
It becomes a serious matter, especially during the summer season when you let your bins in a corner untreated full of nasty curd.
The rancid bins will not let you sigh in relief.
Items Required to Effectively Clean your Bin
Following are the items required to clean your bin:
- Mop
- A Shovel
- Good Quality Garden Hose
- Bleach
- Bucket
- A High-Quality Scrubbing Brush
- Disinfectant Spray
- Old Rags and Cloths
Step Wise Cleaning Process
- To clean your bin, your first step should be emptying your stuffed bins and then taking them to the washing place.
- In the next step, lay the bin on one of its sides; if you find any sticky debris at the bottom, remove them with the help of a long broom, or you can use a definite long yard brush. Wipe them out completely. Special care is needed when dealing with a bin in your kitchen, as the food particles can get stick quickly on the sides and the bottom.
- Collect all dirt immediately in bags and carry them away to get disposed of. Taking the sludge to a safe place is not an easy task; it might spill out on its way. Give a good tight binding to the bags to eliminate any accidents.
- Now upright the bin again. Take a water hose to remove the accumulated dirt. Give the bin a high-pressure water spray, and concentrate on all areas. To make the job easy for you, use a good quality jet cleaner. Focus well on the bottom lining of the bin. Repeat the process until you have completely removed the stuffy waste.
- Now it’s time to get rid of the dirty water gathered in the bin; it’s better to end it in a drain. Pick the food scraps with the help of gloves. Next, give a thorough wipe inside the bin with a cleaning rag and soap solution, scrub well, put special focus on the bottom of the bin, and mop it completely. Give it some time to ensure a neat bin.
- The coming step is not hard. It’s scrubbing outside of the bin by putting extra effort on the lids and bottom, but don’t ignore the sides.
- Sanitization is the core element of the cleaning bin. You can either choose a bleach or a disinfectant solution for the purpose. First, sanitize the inside of your bin with a cleaned mop followed by the outside.
- Lastly, rinse your bin with clean water from a hose or bucket. Put it in sunlight for rapid drying by turning it upside down; you can also dry it with an old towel or a good water-absorbing cloth. Avoid putting rubbish in the bin before it gets dried completely; otherwise, you will make it slurry.
- After the completion of the cleaning process, clean your clothes and the stuff used in the cleaning process. Make sure that you use these clothes only for the cleaning bins.
Note: To save yourself from the hectic cleaning process next time, make a habit of a regular rinse every time you have emptied it. It will prevent the smell and the accumulation of building up of the sludge in deep. For a classic professional bin cleaning, avail of the Specialist Cleaning Service of Global Cleaning Agency based in the UK.
How to Maintain the Cleanliness of your Bin?

Surely, you would love to make your job easy by preventing your bins from becoming smelly than putting your extra effort into a deep clean.
The following things will help you in this mission.
- Rinse it with water after you have emptied it every time.
- To restrict unwanted spillage, always put your food waste in sealed bags so that they would not travel downwards and make a smelly sludge.
- Always empty and rinse your cans and bottles with foodstuff before throwing them in your lovely bins.
- To keep flies and maggots away, it is suggested to sprinkle a good quality bin powder, instead of going with special bin cleaning products.
- Moreover, you can disinfect your bins, especially the lids, to keep insects away from getting into the bin.
- To soak up any sludge building at the bottom, it is better to use bin liners or newspapers, to absorb the leaks. You can go with the biodegradable papers as wheelie bin liners.
How to Eliminate the Maggots in Brown Bins?

Are you worried about the piling up of maggots in the bins? They pose a great threat during warm summers. They attract other species like flies, rodents, and other pests. You need to get rid of this headache peacefully; now take a sigh of relief with this expert opinion.
Never throw food scraps uncovered in the bin as they attract maggots like a magnet attracts iron. But if you find some in your bins, pour boiling water that would effectively repel further maggots to get in and restrict the existing ones to lay eggs. If eggs are already present, it will prevent their hatching.
To make the job easy for you further, we have brought you the following steps:
- Provide outside with a thorough bleach spray or any other special disinfectant spray.
- Thoroughly spray it on the top and inside as well.
- Give it time to get dried.
- If you see some remaining maggots in the bin, pour boiling water over them. It will also destroy their eggs to control their population.
How Can Flies be Prevented in Bin?

The following points will help you out to prevent hovering of flies:
- Always wrap all the food scraps in a paper or a bag to prevent the flies from getting attracted to your cleaned bin.
- To avoid the warming up of the litter, settle bins in the shade away from direct sunlight.
- Squeeze the bags before placing any waste in them to remove all of the captured air in them. It will slow down the decomposition, thus reducing the smell and the growth of eggs in the litter.
- It is better to use the pedal bin liners rather than the regular carrier bags containing holes that ensure the air passage, thus hindering the nasty rotting process.
- If flies are a constant problem, reduce their presence by smearing your bin with tea tree oil, or citronella, which are the best natural insect repellents.
- The last thing, is always to keep the lids of your bins closed to restrict the flies’ growth.
Efficient Tips to clean your bin:
- Before throwing any food packaging in the bin, remove all the remaining in the packs. So that flies would not find their way in the neat bin.
- If you have to throw any wet item like a meat piece or any other foodstuff, it also includes the pet waste, chicken bones, or nappies, first place them in biodegradable bags, or can also wrap them in the newspaper. It would restrict not only the spilling but also the buzzing of flies.
- When you put anything in the bag, tie them sharply to prevent any material from getting inside and outside the bin.
- Quickly empty the indoor bins in scorching hot weather, and give them a rinse.
- For your outdoor bins during scorching hard weather, store them in the shade away from sunlight.
- Always ensure that you have closed the lid of the bin after you have used it; otherwise, flies will get in and breed there rapidly. It will also trap the foul smell inside, keeping your surrounding refreshed.
- Never make the mistake of overloading your bin; empty it right after it has reached its maximum limit.
- Deal with different wastes differently before placing them in the bin. Special attention is needed while dealing with liquid waste; it should be packed tightly.
- Whenever you are in contact with bins, make sure to wash your hands, even if you have just touched the lid. It would save you and your family from getting infected.
- If you are worried about a foul smell, put peels of some citrus fruits like orange or lemon peels in your bin. It will temporarily reduce the notorious pungent smell.
- Use commercial fragranced bin liners to make the job easy for you.
- It is preferable to make compost and place the organic waste in a compost bin than in the regular bin to get saved from smell and insects.
- Empty your bins at least on a weekly basis, don’t wait for them to get filled with garbage up to the top.
- Always wear rubber gloves to protect your hands while dealing with bin cleaning.
Surely, till this point, you must have got a better idea about how to clean your bin. For perfect Home Cleaning, regular treatment of your bin is necessary. Keep them clean to present a fresh look to your locality. To assure complete deep cleanliness, you need to act wisely from the moment when you have purchased a new luxurious bin. If you neglect your best cleanliness fellow for once, you will find yourself in trouble. Foul smell, flies, rodents, and maggots will be your guests for the coming period.
To get professional help visit us.